Adrift in the city
On walks across Mexico City, historian Mauricio Tenorio Trillo finds a path to the past.
An alumna mortician, medievalist, and video sage tries to change the way Americans think about death.
Raised voices
The Sahmat collective galvanizes artists across India to create work that resists divisive politics. A Smart Museum exhibition tells its story.
Victorian values
Social critic and Victorian historian Gertrude Himmelfarb, AM’44, PhD’50, looks back on her Chicago education.
The astronomical sublime
Part of a visual tradition that reaches back to Romanticism, images from the Hubble Space Telescope awe as they inform. Plus: “Scope of Inquiry.”
Editor’s Notes
The long and short of it
Some books should never end.
Readers sound off
Alumni and friends weigh in on driving to India, interactions with historical figures, academic partnerships past, pocketbook politics, and more.
On the Agenda
Future perfect
Career Advancement executive director Meredith Daw discusses the growth in services that assist students in preparing for the future.
Course Work
Love scene
Film scholar Tom Gunning explains how editing conventions create the splice of life.
Marketplace of Ideas
Background checks and balances
How to legislate gun safety.
Alumni Essay
Academic envy
The enviable Jessica Burstein, AM’90, PhD’98, fashions an essay out of academic envy.
Words to remember him by
Michael C. Kotzin, AB’62, remembers Richard Stern.
UChicago Journal
Doctors without borders
Technology extends the reach of the University’s new hospital.
Craft Singles
David Blum shapes the digital publishing strategy at Amazon.
Haunted by waters
The social and economic threat of climate change on coastal areas, experts say, demands fast action.
Stars in our eyes
Neil Shubin’s new book traces the molecular connection between humanity and the cosmos.
No strings attached
Manual Cinema turns shadow puppetry into a cinematic experience.
Sharp cards
Does the popularity of Cards Against Humanity mean everyone’s horrible?
Class dismissed
A law professor helps student protesters arrested at an Occupy Chicago rally fight for their rights.
Interview: The spirit of the law
Brian Leiter argues against legal exemptions for religious practices.
William Rainey Harper’s Index: Intervention investment
Crime Lab research informs the expansion of a youth violence prevention program.
Fig. 1: Dylan’s evolutionary voice
Spectrograms help explain the complex color of the singer’s ever-changing sound.
Original Source: Limited editions
Hard to find zines tell Chicago stories, writ small.
For the record: University news
A new rep in DC, hospital protests prompt dialogue, Mandel Hall gets a makeover, and a College student's foresight is rewarded.
Citations: Faculty research
Researchers find higher-level thinking in four-year-olds, chronicle anti-Judaism as a foundational idea in Western thought, parse the the hidden messages in praise for children, and answer a geological mystery: why wasn't paleo-Earth encased in ice?
Peer review
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University obituaries
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Lite of the Mind
Out of office e-mail messages can be an art form all their own. We’ve collected some of the best from the Magazine’s in-box.