Gary S. Becker advises one of his past students. (University of Chicago News Office)
In memoriam
Recent faculty and alumni obituaries.
George Anastaplo, AB’48, JD’51, PhD’64 (Social Thought), died February 14. He was 88. Anastaplo served in the US Army Air Corps during World War II. In 1950 he was denied admission to the Illinois Bar after refusing on principle to answer whether he was a member of the Communist Party. The case went to the US Supreme Court, where he represented himself and lost but was memorialized by Justice Hugo Black, who commented, “We must not be afraid to be free.” Anastaplo joined the University’s Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, where he taught from 1957 through December 2013. He also taught at Dominican University (then Rosary College) and at the Loyola University School of Law, frequently riding his bike from Hyde Park to Loyola until he was nearly 80. He published about 20 books, a dozen book-length law-review articles, and hundreds of essays. In 2005 he was the inaugural recipient of the Graham School’s Excellence in Teaching Award, and he received Graham’s Distinguished Service Award in 2012.
Gary S. Becker, AM’53, PhD’55 (Economics), University Professor of Economics and of Sociology, died May 3. He was 83. The 1992 Nobel laureate in economics, Becker extended economic analysis to include human behavior and interaction in books such as The Economics of Discrimination (1957), Human Capital (1964), and A Treatise on the Family (1981). He joined the UChicago faculty in 1970, collaborating with former adviser Milton Friedman, AM’33, and writing influential papers with George Stigler, PhD’38, and others. His honors include the National Medal of Science and the Presidential Medal of Honor. In 2011 the University recognized his contributions by naming the Becker Friedman Institute for Research and Economics.
Donald J. Bogue, professor emeritus of sociology who collaborated with the independent research institution NORC, died April 21. He was 96 and had recently published a book on migration. A founder of the University’s Population Research Center in 1958, Bogue served as president of the Population Association of America and founded its journal, Demography. He spent a week living in Chicago’s Skid Row for his study Skid Row in American Cities (1963), taught demography at the United Nations, and worked with USAID on population control. In 2011 Bogue received the Laureate Award from the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Rose Chioni, AM’58 (Education), died February 6 in Charlottesville, VA. She was 81. Chioni received her PhD from Ohio State University before teaching at Wayne State University in Detroit, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In 1974 she became dean of the University of Virginia School of Nursing, where she helped develop the PhD in nursing degree program and initiated care-giving ideas still used today. After stepping down as dean in 1988, she taught and studied gerontology and hospice care. Chioni retired in 1995.
Clifford Clark, AM’50, PhD’53 (Economics), died January 31 in Detroit. He was 88. A World War II veteran, Clark helped liberate the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. Clark taught economics at Binghamton University in New York, where he was a founder of the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science and where he founded the Clifford D. Clark Graduate Fellowship Program for Diversity. He was appointed the fourth president of Boston University in 1975 and held that role for 15 years before returning to the classroom to teach full time until 1996 and then part time until 2000.
Felipe L. Jocano, AM’62, PhD’63 (Anthropology), died October 27 at age 83. Hailed as one of the Philippines’s foremost cultural anthropologists, Jocano became interested in the field while cleaning out museum specimens at the National Museum in Iloilo. He published articles in the Manila Times and in textbooks before earning his bachelor’s degree at the Central University of the Philippines. He taught anthropology at UChicago before returning to the Philippines to teach in the University of the Philippines Department of Anthropology, where his work included documenting and translating the Central Visayan epic the Hinilawod, among other contributions to anthropology and Philippine folk literature.
Waud Kracke, AM’66 PhD’73 (Anthropology), died December 31 in Chicago. He was 74. A professor of anthropology, he worked at the University of Illinois at Chicago until shortly before his death. In the 1960s Kracke performed fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon basin with the Parintintin, an indigenous tribe. He periodically returned to help defend their culture, donating his research materials to the Centro Cultural Parintintin, Traira Amazonas, museum there. A graduate of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, Kracke applied psychoanalytic theory to his anthropological work. The author of Force and Persuasion: Leadership in an Amazonian Society (University of Chicago Press, 1979), he won numerous awards, including two Fulbrights; published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles; and produced films for Encyclopaedia Britannica.
William McMillan, AM’50 (History), died February 7 in Pompano Beach, FL. He was 84. A veteran of the Korean War, he devoted his career to Pine Crest School, a college-preparatory school founded by his mother Mae in 1934. At Pine Crest, which has campuses in Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton, McMillan taught, held administrative roles, and served as headmaster and president from 1965 to 1995, overseeing a campus expansion and strengthening the student body’s racial diversity. He also served on the board of directors of the Florida Coast Bank for 15 years and published nonfiction and fiction books.
Roma Clift Montgomery, AM’29 (Psychology), died November 28. She was 108. She enjoyed travel while remaining devoted to her hometown of Lawton, OK, where she lived from 1936 until her death in the house she helped design. In Lawton, Clift Montgomery helped found or lead local organizations including the Lawton Community Theater, Comanche County Red Cross, and the Shakespeare Club. On her 100th birthday, the town proclaimed June 5 Roma Clift Montgomery Day.
Philip J. Reinertsen, AM’54, PhD’58 (Economics), died October 7 in Wilton, CT. He was 89. A World War II Navy veteran, Reinertsen moved with his wife to Sweden after finishing his degree to complete postgraduate work and take a post with the Marshall Plan for European recovery at the US Embassy in Stockholm. There they learned Swedish, met Eleanor Roosevelt at an embassy reception, and traveled around Europe on a tandem bicycle before ultimately settling in Wilton, where he was a senior economist at IBM corporate headquarters and served on the Wilton Town Retirement Board.