(Photography by Michael LaBarbera)
Cool new developments for College students and grads.
The microbes inside
And proteins and spineless things
Studied by the sea
Undergrads can take one of three intensive courses this September at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The three-week courses—Microbiomes Across Environments, Observing Proteins in Action, and Marine Invertebrates—are held before fall quarter starts but treated as part of the students’ fall course load.
A new urban track
Leads through the city but it’s
Not metal or dirt
Starting this fall, the environmental studies major will be known as environmental and urban studies. Students can choose a new urban track that covers planning, big data, finances, and more.
Four years passed but still
More to know. A job, a year,
More time to be sure.
This fall the College launches the Lawrence A. Kimpton Fellows Program (named for the University’s chancellor, 1951–61), which provides graduates with paid yearlong employment fellowships. The program is expected to begin with about 100 fellowships, starting with the Class of 2018.