University News


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns. Log into the Alumni & Friends Web Community using your CNetID and password to browse all alumni news by class year.

New construction is about the exchange of ideas—within and beyond the campus. The University architect explains the theory behind the practice.


Alumni and friends share memories of writing on Linn House wall and the resonance of Easley Blackwood’s teaching and composing; explore the social impact of video game violence; question the value of luxury cars; assign blame for the financial crisis; and more.


Gifts to UChicago, by the numbers.


After Wendy Klein, AB’75, gathered the nerve to show President Edward H. Levi the portraits she had sketched of him, they were framed for the future attorney general.


Recent faculty, staff, board, and alumni obituaries.


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns. Log into the Alumni & Friends Web Community using your CNetID and password to browse all alumni news by class year.


Jay Berwanger’s legacy endures, thanks in part to an award nobody had heard of when he won it.


Caltech taps Rosenbaum; Levi’s legacy is set in stone; the University gives start-ups a jump start; and major gifts fund initiatives in law, business, education, and medicine.


The University’s botanic garden is going digital.


The University celebrates ties to India, old and new.


Students find their moment of zen thanks to some fuzzy friends at Wellapalooza.