She made enemies with her attacks on International Style–but a powerful friend in Frank Lloyd Wright.
By treating violence as a public health issue, UChicago Medicine trauma experts seek to transform care on Chicago’s South Side.
A groundbreaking sculpture returns to campus—and sparks a dialogue on public art.
Researcher Ariel Kalil finds “light-touch, low-cost” parenting tools.
Underappreciated—but, it turns out, important—the olfactory system issues an SOS.

Easley Blackwood Jr. composes music, and palindromes, with spirit and precision.
Keepers of University collections reveal the pieces closest to their hearts.
Harriet de Wit studies drug use in humans to better prevent and treat addiction.
Neil Shubin's new book traces the molecular connection between humanity and the cosmos.

Chicago empathy researchers test how far rats will go to rescue a cage mate in distress.

A Law School clinic works to free the wrongfully convicted.