(Photo courtesy Retrofit Inc.)
Kimberly Williams, MBA’92, isn’t just the COO: she’s also a client.
Chicagoans are still wrapped in their ubiquitous puffy black parkas, but it’s only a matter of weeks before magazines encouraging women to cultivate their “bikini bodies” hit the shelves. Americans throw a lot of money at weight loss schemes ranging from the draconian (the Master Cleanse) to the ridiculous (the Cookie Diet).
Chicago company Retrofit aims to help clients lose weight in a more rational way, through a series of private consultations with nutritionists, personal trainers, and therapists, while keeping them accountable via devices like wireless activity trackers and smart scales. I spoke with Kimberly Williams, MBA’92, the company’s chief operating officer, about the company culture and how being a client (she has lost almost 60 pounds since joining the program) made her want to join the team.
Does the company see a surge of new clients come January?
We do see an uptick in sign-ups, starting around December 28. It’s a time of year when people focus on their weight and reenergize around their goals. It’s a busy time in weight loss, even for our existing clients. During the holidays, children are home from college or off school, our clients are traveling, or they have relatives visiting. They get out of their own structure and so they refocus in January. Maybe they didn’t lose any weight, and so they’re like “Okay, I want to get back at it.”
Is there a reason why Retrofit doesn’t use any celebrity endorsements the way Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers do?
We really pride ourselves on confidentiality. The people who see your results are your team. It’s a very personal and private program. But if our famous clients wanted to speak out on it more broadly, we’d welcome that opportunity.
Retrofit has recently branched out into corporate wellness. Have you been on the other end of that in your professional life?
I worked at McDonald’s prior to this, which has a very active wellness program. They have a dietitian counseling their employees, and they take yoga or walk breaks for exercise. Despite the brand that McDonald’s sometimes has as it relates to nutrition, they’re very focused on their employees, and they have a reasonably healthful workforce.