Readers comment on the ethics and technics of astronomical skyscapes, how we die, religion and the law, the history of student life at Ida Noyes, and more.
Readers write in about driving to India, interactions with historical figures, academic partnerships past, pocketbook politics, and more.
Alumni and friends weigh in on tolerance, sweatshirts won and lost, executive power, application numbers, the end of Pierce Hall, and more.
Readers weigh in on presidential power, intellectual influences, the moral dimension of free-market capitalism, Patsy Mink’s legacy, and more.
Readers weigh in on Chicago-school economics, ancient reconstructions, recent campus architecture, sexuality’s discussion worthiness, and the messy business of who’s the youngest Pritzker graduate.
Alumni and friends write about George Anastaplo’s (AB’48, JD’51, PhD’64) continuing legacy, nepotism in higher education, and the University’s left/right leanings.
Alumni and friends write on what’s missing from education at Chicago (and from the Magazine’s coverage), David Axelrod’s (AB’76) new campus role, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s campus address.
Alumni and friends write on Freudian scholarship and microfinance tactics, and continue debates on global warming and UFO research.
Readers sound off on climate change, breast-feeding, and last issue's letters about immigration.