The best-selling author gets a chance to review her critics.
Haroula Rose, AB’02, MAT’02, put the work of Bonnie Jo Campbell, AB’84, on the big screen. Last fall the two brought the film to Chicago.
How the work of a celebrated Chicago writer was lost and found again.
A recipe from Literary Libations by Amira Makansi, ABʼ10.
Cecelia Watson, AMʼ05, examines the history—and occasional hatred—of punctuation’s most daunting mark.
Lauri Ramey, AM’75, PhD’96, traces a 400-year literary legacy.
Amira Makansi, AB’10, has pairing recommendations for more than 150 books.
Scenes from a Court Theatre play in the making.
From our archive: Allan Bérubé, EXʼ68, wrote Coming Out Under Fire to tell the history of gay men and lesbian women in World War II. (Photography by Bart Everly)