University News


The Magazine lists a selection of general interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.


Filmmaker John Hughes meets UChicago in this uncommon quiz of pop culture knowledge.


Launched in 2007 with an anonymous $100 million gift, the Odyssey Scholarship Challenge has transformed financial aid in the College. Meet six of the young people whose lives were also changed.


A new season brings a special section of the Magazine.


Associate provost Sarah Wake talks about Title IX, accessibility, and equal opportunity on campus.


The Amish lifestyle protects kids against asthma; how airlines can promote fuel efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions; predicting divorce; obesity increases the risk of organ transplant rejection.


A selection of the latest headlines from UChicago.


“Universities cannot be viewed as a sanctuary for comfort but rather as a crucible for confronting ideas,” writes president Robert J. Zimmer. 


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns.


Readers debate dean of students in the College John Ellison’s letter to the Class of 2020; discuss voter education and the merits of capitalism; share memories of historian William H. McNeill, LAB’34, AB’38, AM’39, track coach Ted Haydon, LAB’29, PhB’33, AM’54, and the beloved T-Hut; and more.


Recent faculty, staff, trustee, and alumni obituaries.