University News


Diverse neighborhoods help babies’ social learning; microbial fingerprints follow people from place to place; old-age insomnia is not always what it seems; and scientists trace the two genes the control monarch butterflies’ colors and their capacity to fly long distances.


The University’s first international center celebrates a milestone.


A new College initiative reduces debt, simplifies the application process, and supports careers.


The Magazine lists a selection of general interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns.

Recent faculty, staff, and alumni obituaries.


A fourth-year reflects on the bustle and bewilderment—and wide possibilities—of the annual sign-up event for student organizations.

Spring 2014

Mathematical topography and a greater-than-usual disregard for sleep helped create a house tradition: the Shorey House maze.

Spring 2014

Award-winning student photographers tell the stories behind the images.

Spring 2014

Health care expert Ken Kaufman, EX’69, MBA’76, helps to keep the College vital.


Anniversary events highlight UChicago’s growing global engagement


Two rising third-years reflect on Pierce Tower’s house traditions.