University News


Even for old-school book fetishists, the Magazine’s new app is worth texting home about.


College students celebrate their favorite mustachioed man at the first Dean Boyer Appreciation Day.


Checking in with Steve Edwards almost a year into his transition from public radio host to Institute of Politics deputy programming director.

Test your knowledge of Scav Hunt—and the UChicago state of mind that defines the items—with our true or farce quiz.


The Magazine lists a selection of general-interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns. Log into the Alumni & Friends Web Community using your CNetID and password to browse all alumni news by class year.


Wayne Scott, AB’86, AM’89, knows from painful experience that an A is not a scarlet letter around here—an F is.


Readers comment on the ethics and technics of astronomical skyscapes, how we die, religion and the law, the history of student life at Ida Noyes, and more.


A new physical sciences dean, reviewing the response to hospital protests, global leadership, and using data to solve social problems.

Recent faculty, staff, board, and alumni obituaries.


The University turns a former seminary into a new home for economics.

Out of office e-mail messages can be an art form all their own. We’ve collected some of the best from the Magazine’s in-box.