University News


A look back at the University’s first provost and a look ahead to his successors’ challenges.


 UChicago Dining dishes out improved locations and options for students.

Readers weigh in on presidential power, intellectual influences, the moral dimension of free-market capitalism, Patsy Mink’s legacy, and more.


Hyde Park’s greenest denizens and the Magazine’s greenest editors.


With a historian’s attention to the founding ideals of the College, Dean John W. Boyer implements an ambitious vision for the decades to come.


... WUCB was looking for new members? ... the RSO Alice’s Restaurant formed? ... Muddy Waters played Bartlett Gymnasium? ... costumed students celebrated Halloween in Ida Noyes? ... Whitney Houston dominated the charts with her Dolly Parton cover? ... the 2008 women's rugby team wore gowns for an end-of-the-season scrimmage? ... the Class of 2011 celebrated at their first Alumni Weekend class dinner?

The Magazine lists a selection of general-interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.
Highlights from the latest alumni news columns. Log into the Alumni & Friends Web Community using your CNetID and password to browse all alumni news by class year.

The Class of 2016 sets several College records.


As headlines warn of student debt, private institutions, with the help of philanthropy, can make college attainable.


The Magazine’s undergraduate interns have reported on just about everything under the Hyde Park sun—and beyond.


UChicago researchers study evolution after mass extinctions, weigh whether taste or calories make food more appealing, make the first planetary discovery attributed to NASA's Spritzer Space Telescope, solve a problem of the Nth degree, and show that a sports-based program can reduce violent crime.