(Sketches by Anne Pritikin, Class of 2022)
Not sure how to handle the pandemic? Anne Pritikin, Class of 2022, has some suggestions.
This article is part of the special feature “A Spring Quarter Like No Other,” which chronicles the experiences of eight College students. Anne Pritikin, Class of 2022, spent the quarter living with her family in Mill Valley, California.
Deviation Piece
Be invited to a dinner party.
Before eating, open the white envelope on your plate.
Read the letter inside.
Do not eat dinner.
Only talk about the letter.
Do not directly mention the contents of the letter.
Talk around the letter.
Talk about the letter-shaped hole in your:
a) plans
b) future
c) past
Letter Piece
Send the letter to your:
a) mother
b) friends
c) family
d) therapist
e) mailman
f) hairdresser
g) foe
h) everyone
Talk Piece
Talk about the letter to yourself.
Talk about the letter with your mother.
Talk about the letter with your friends.
Talk only about the letter.
Read the letter.
Reread the letter.
Burn the letter.
Sweep the letter ash into your hand.
Blow the letter ash.
Wait one hour.
Open your door.
Pick up the white envelope outside.
Pour out the letter ash from the envelope into your hand.
Breathe the letter.
Taste the letter.
Touch the letter.
Smell the letter.
Poke the letter.
Crumple the letter.
Uncrease the letter.
Tape the letter to your mirror.
Imaginary Piece
Look at a map.
Find where you would be.
Think of an imaginary self continuing life.
Window Piece
Find all the windows in your house.
Divide the hours in the day by the number of windows.
Stand in front of each window for the allotted amount >of time.
Stand still.
Stare out of the window.
Rotate to a different window for each transition.
Do not do anything else.
Clothing Piece
Wrap yourself in as much clothing as possible.
Do not leave any skin uncovered.
Walk around the room without touching anything.
Do not touch the ground.
If you are living with others, have them wrap themselves.
Gather in the smallest room.
Close the door.
Do not touch the door handle.
Walk around the room without touching anyone.
Walk around faster.
Have each person imagine everyone else is chasing them.
Have everyone put on a blindfold.
Wash Piece
Wash your clothing.
Wash your body.
Wash your hands.
Wash your face.
Wash your sink.
Wash your soap.
Wash your water.
Measure Piece
Measure the distance between you and your friends.
Measure the distance between you and your family.
Add the distances together.
Count the number of days you have not touched your friends.
Count the number of days you have not touched your family.
Add these days together.
Multiply the total distance by the total number of days.
This is how far you are from where you were.
Mask Piece
Count your moods.
Buy that number of masks.
Draw your moods onto each mask.
a) sad mood
b) angry mood
c) hungry mood
d) anxious mood
e) lonely mood
Wear the mask that matches your mood.
Wear your mask outside.
List Piece
Make a list of all the books you are going to read.
Make a list of all the films you are going to watch.
Make a list of all the songs you are going to listen to.
Make a list of all the languages you are going to learn.
Make a list of all your lists.
Spend all your time writing lists.
Burn the lists.
Calendar Piece
Count the days in the week.
Count the days in the month.
Count the days in the year.
Count the days instead of living them.
Hide Piece
Play hide-and-seek.
a) family
b) friends
Have each person hide in a different area.
Do not seek.