From his first trip north as the youngest hand on a two-masted schooner, anthropologist Ernest “Tiger” Burch Jr., AM’63, PhD’66, was driven to learn about the Arctic and its peoples.
Water is life, but ever scarcer. The most promising approaches to a mounting global problem may be molecular.
Chicago Harris’s Gary Project joins forces with a dynamic new mayor to reframe the Indiana steel town’s future.
A Divinity School alumnus keeps ethical conduct front and center at his company.

For ethicist and doctor Daniel Sulmasy, medical progress is about more than the body.

The road to safe, reliable bioweapon vaccines for children is fraught with ethical peril. On campus last fall, experts began to plot it out.
Patsy Mink, JD’51, was a tenacious and determined politician.
Jessie Taft, PhB 1905, PhD 1913, was a matriarch of modern social work.