College students



Thirty-six students dress up as lawyers and witnesses for a mock trial tournament at Eastern Michigan University.


At UChicago, theatrical suffering is a proud tradition. The College is more than brutal winters and equally brutal O-chem finals. Here’s a short list of things we love. Just don’t expect to find them on a T-shirt.


A fourth-year reflects on the bustle and bewilderment—and wide possibilities—of the annual sign-up event for student organizations.

Spring 2014

Mathematical topography and a greater-than-usual disregard for sleep helped create a house tradition: the Shorey House maze.

Spring 2014

Award-winning student photographers tell the stories behind the images.

Spring 2014

UChicago Careers in Education Professions gets College students out of the classroom and into … the classroom.

Spring 2014

Health care expert Ken Kaufman, EX’69, MBA’76, helps to keep the College vital.


Two rising third-years reflect on Pierce Tower’s house traditions.

Lisa K. Harris, AB’82, MBA’84, learns to let go when her daughter leaves for the College.


Susie Allen, AB’09, recalls the human drama and sitcom qualities of the Reg’s One True Floor.


An alumnus remembers—and misremembers—his Aims of Education address.


Author Blair Thornburgh, AB’12, on adjusting to college and life after graduation.