In the News

Marilu Henner, EX'74

The Today show, 11.24.2015

Paul Ekman, EX’52

R&D Magazine, 11.16.2015

L. Gordon Crovitz

Wall Street Journal, 11.22.2015

Caitlin Doughty, AB’12 (Class of 2006)

New Yorker, 11.30.2015

Bernie Sanders, AB'64

Rolling Stone, 11.18.2015

David Schalliol, AM'04, PhD'15

New York Times, Lens blog, 11.20.2015

Megan McArdle, MBA'01

Bloomberg View, 11.20.2015

Michael Murphy, AB’02

Curbed, 11.12.2015

Matthew B. Crawford, AM'92, PhD'00

New York Times, Election 2016, First Draft Nov. 11 blog, 11.11.2015