In the News

Sam Kass, LAB'98, AB'04

New York Times, August 28, 2014

Erika Poethig, MPP'96

CNN, Money blog, August 19, 2014

Carl Sagan, AB'54, SB'55, SM'56, PhD'60

New York Times, August 19, 2014

Sylvia Puente, AM'90

Huffington Post, August 15, 2014

Sally Hunter-Wiley, MBA'72

Sun-Times, August 18, 2014

Byron D. Trott, AB'81, MBA'82

Bloomberg MarketsSeptember 2014

Susan Sontag, AB'51

Tablet, August 7, 2014

John Scalzi, ab'91

Hollywood Reporter, August 5, 2014

Kim A. Williams, AB'75, MD'79

New York Times, August 6, 2014

Saul Bellow, EX'39

Chronicle of Higher Education, Chronicle Review blog, August 4, 2014