The University of Chicago Magazine


Lawrence Lessig inaugurates the Berlin Family Lectures with a study of institutional corruption.


After 25 years, Chicago Harris keeps growing.


Two decades of planning by the Fermi Institute’s Tom Economou culminate in a comet landing.


Seeing Robie House—and all of campus—anew.


Chicago Harris dean Daniel Diermeier discusses the emergence of data-driven public policy and the training necessary for the next generation of leaders.


Readers weigh in on World War I art; a rare honor for Robert Morrissey, PhD’82; the problems that have befallen Gary, Indiana; the effect of immigration enforcement on children arriving from Central America; the benefits of online education; a UChicago championship ski team; and more.


From our print archive: Student actors and directors vie for performance space in a thriving theater scene—thereby repeating history.


Readers weigh in on the Aims of Education address; the social structure of the Reg; the root problems in Gary, Indiana; anthropologist Robert Redfield’s (LAB 1915, PhB’20, JD’21, PhD’28) inspiring fieldwork; Egyptologist Emily Teeter’s (PhD’90) graceful common touch; 19th-century French shorthand; amphibian cover models; and more.


Getting lost in the Magazine’s archives offers a glimpse into the University’s history and inspires a commitment to ensuring its future.


President Robert J. Zimmer introduces the University of Chicago Campaign: Inquiry and Impact, a major undertaking with transformative potential.


A new space for collaborative innovation opens on 53rd Street.


Chemists find a key to improving solar cell efficiency.