Memorability, says Wilma Bainbridge, isn’t only in the eye of the beholder.
New research identifies a cognitive characteristic associated with perfect pitch.
For nearly two decades psychologist Andrea King has followed a group of social drinkers to find out why only some develop alcohol use disorder.
Psychology professor Katherine Kinzler examines how we react to each other’s speech.
Agnes Callard, AB’97; Ayelet Fishbach; and David Brooks, AB’83, discuss personal growth.
In 1975 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, AB’60, PhD’65, came up with the notion of autotelic experience—better known as flow. Forty-five years later, we’re still talking about it.
Denise Shull, AM’95, helps Wall Streeters get in touch with their softer sides.
By studying handedness, psychologist Daniel Casasanto hopes to understand the relationship between body and mind.
Misconduct in the financial advising industry goes unpunished; hit the snooze button on weekends to reduce diabetes risk; a rage disorder has a newly discovered physiological marker; believers in psychic phenomena are happier but less analytical than skeptics.
Spring/Summer 2016
Philosophy professor Candace Vogler is on the case.
Chicago Booth assistant professor Ed O’Brien uses what we find funny to explain our behavior.