Arts & Humanities

University of Chicago News Office, 11.07.2011

Filmmaker Kimberly Peirce, AB'90, says teachers like professor Lauren Berlant shaped her sense of artistic adventure.

Tableau | 10.31.11

The Master of Arts Program in the Humanities, more than 1,500 alumni strong, celebrates 15 years.

In 1980s Baltimore, a family recalls an act of kindness—and finds a way to repay it.


Bernard Sahlins, AB’43, lets the actors and the poets bring his spare performances to life.

A homebody with a hitchhiker’s heart, Bonnie Jo Campbell writes stories that cover a lot of ground.


Karen Reimer, MFA’89, embroiders ordinary items to add rich new meaning to the familiar.


For a once-shy guy, singing karaoke reflects a social transformation toward a new bold attitude.

Historian Fred Donner offers a new reading of an old story.


A 90-year project illuminates an ancient culture.


A 90-year project chronicling the ancient Akkadian language culminates in the 21st volume of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.


The art of Soviet-era children’s literature shifted from experimental and avant-garde to a realistic, government-mandated style under Stalin.