Happy in his corporate day job, a Chicago Booth graduate pursues Broadway producing on the side.
Plus-size model Amanda Tice, AB’06, believes her work can have a positive effect on women’s lives.

A sprawling, self-published debut novel has a happy ending for the author and the press.

In a new lunch series, faculty and students consider the draws of good TV.

Tech writer and law student Julian Dibbell tackles the problem of virtual property.
Chicago researchers investigate the irresistible smartphone temptation, why organs don’t always go to the neediest patients, whether evolution happens head first or tails first, and how long hypertension patients have to get their blood pressure under control.

David M. Pickett, AB’07, brings Lego bricks to life, one frame at a time.

The cofounders of a new RSO sit down to discuss controllers and consoles.