Arts & Humanities

Tableau, Fall 2010

Professor Anne Walters Robertson discusses the medieval and contemporary tunes that keep her humming.

University of Chicago News Office, 11.07.2011

Filmmaker Kimberly Peirce, AB'90, says teachers like professor Lauren Berlant shaped her sense of artistic adventure.

Tableau | 10.31.11

The Master of Arts Program in the Humanities, more than 1,500 alumni strong, celebrates 15 years.

In 1980s Baltimore, a family recalls an act of kindness—and finds a way to repay it.


Bernard Sahlins, AB’43, lets the actors and the poets bring his spare performances to life.

A homebody with a hitchhiker’s heart, Bonnie Jo Campbell writes stories that cover a lot of ground.


Karen Reimer, MFA’89, embroiders ordinary items to add rich new meaning to the familiar.


For a once-shy guy, singing karaoke reflects a social transformation toward a new bold attitude.

Historian Fred Donner offers a new reading of an old story.


A 90-year project illuminates an ancient culture.


A 90-year project chronicling the ancient Akkadian language culminates in the 21st volume of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.