University News


Readers comment on the social impact of architecture in out of the way places; the recollections of Philip Glass, AB’56, about the College he knew; memories of the late Mike Nichols, EX’53; the circa-1970s ski team’s not-at-all slippery slope to victory; racial “block busting” in the 1950s; the distinction between a telegram and a telegraph; and more.


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns.


Research with far-reaching implications.


The Magazine lists a selection of general interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.


Chelsea Leu, AB’14, explores how UChicago carved out an aspirational place for itself in higher education.


Grapevines’ “microbial signature” may influence a wine’s taste and more, a blood pressure drug may help with multiple sclerosis, a UChicago bioethicist calls for more research into Muslims’ health behaviors, and a compound found in magnolia tree bark may prevent heart disease.


A search for the roots of knowledge, study abroad in Hong Kong, a survey of campus climate, a prestigious faculty (re)appointment, the University’s Board of Trustees names a new chair, and more.


University of Chicago Police takes steps to enhance transparency and public access to information.


Hours at the library stack up during finals week.

The Magazine lists a selection of general interest books, films, and albums by alumni. For additional alumni releases, browse the Magazine’s Goodreads bookshelf.


Highlights from the latest alumni news columns.


Recent faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni obituaries.