An ambitious economic field experiment studies how financial incentives for students, teachers, and parents affect academic performance.

Linking teacher merit pay to standardized-test scores compromises learning and creates incentives to cheat.
Former Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens’ memoir inspires praise and criticism.

Difficulty equals quality, an earthquake creates icebergs, the treatment of Medicare and Medicaid patients, how mothers' job losses affect children, and penguins' essential sense of smell.
Psychologist Sian Beilock studies what makes people choke under pressure and offers techniques to prevent those mental meltdowns.

Austan Goolsbee returns to Chicago Booth, 24-hour diner Clarke's opens on 53rd Street, and more.
Alzheimer's has erased the stories behind Lou Fourcher's (PhD'71) images, but his photographs of a demolished West Side neighborhood have stirred memories in former residents.

Monica Vela, MD’93, who has faced health-care disparities as both a physician and a patient, teaches students about the issues that afflict underserved communities, inspiring many to reach out.