Metcalf Intern Amanya Maloba, ’14, worked at ABC7 in Chicago last summer. (Photography by Chris Strong)
Metcalf internships by the numbers
Jeff Metcalf’s legacy lives on.
Back when career guidance was all but nonexistent, Harold R. “Jeff” Metcalf, AM’53, dean of students in the Graduate School of Business (1956–75) and the University’s athletic director (1976–81), used his vast network of contacts to help College students find jobs. “He was his own little placement office,” says Byron Trott, AB’81, MBA’82, who established the Metcalf Internship Program in his honor. Metcalf helped Trott get his first summer job; now Trott is managing partner at BDT Capital Partners and a University trustee.
1,500 Metcalf program alumni
240 Alumni volunteers who read applications and conduct interviews
12 Countries where Metcalf Interns work
$10 Minimum hourly rate an intern earns
1997 Year the Metcalf program was founded
8 1997 Metcalf Interns
850 2013 Metcalf Interns