The University of Chicago Magazine


Readers weigh in on water scarcity; add personal recollections of geologist Clair C. Patterson, PhD’51; reflect on racial and other forms of passing; recall breakfast with a Bush in 1980; compare notes with Philip Glass, AB’56, about the College in the 1950s; and more.


The Magazine’s return to a seasonal schedule and other news.


At convocation, one journey ended and another began for some 3,300 graduates. How did it feel? Their faces told the story.


Sociologist Howard S. Becker, PhB’46, AM’49, PhD’51, talks about his career studying deviance.


As free expression comes under challenge on some campuses, the University’s affirmation of a long-standing value may become a model for higher education.


Jonathan Rapping, AB’88, inspires attorneys who represent indigent clients to fight a system stacked against them.


Scientists are discovering how microbes not only make us sick but also keep our bodies working.

Recent faculty, staff, friends, and alumni obituaries.

All but lost, Urdu journals offer a glimpse at one of India’s most sprawling, energetic cultures.


A Divinity School event commemorates the 50th anniversary of Selma and explores the state of civil rights today.


Recreate some of UChicago’s most iconic buildings in miniature using templates from the College admissions office.


Readers comment on the social impact of architecture in out of the way places; the recollections of Philip Glass, AB’56, about the College he knew; memories of the late Mike Nichols, EX’53; the circa-1970s ski team’s not-at-all slippery slope to victory; racial “block busting” in the 1950s; the distinction between a telegram and a telegraph; and more.