Father Peter Funk, AB’92, on life in a Benedictine monastery.
Two new courses illustrate how the Divinity School is broadening its scope to include more world religions.
David Nirenberg studies the intertwined—and sometimes violent—histories of faith communities.
Two Divinity School graduates lead an unorthodox Chicago church that aims to heal spiritual wounds.
Divinity School Alumnus of the Year Joseph Price, AM’79, PhD’82, turns an academic double play.
In Star Wars and Religion, Russell Johnson, AM’15, PhD’19, uses the famous franchise to teach comparative religious ethics.
Scholars Reza Aslan, Daniel Dennett, and William Schweiker spar but find common ground.
Excerpt from Greetings from Utopia Park: Surviving a Transcendent Childhood by Claire Hoffman, AMʼ05.
The Transcendental Meditation movement’s goals were utopian but life for its followers wasn’t always blissful, Claire Hoffman, AM’05, writes in a new memoir.
Laura Gruen, AB’67, AM’68, sends dispatches from the pilgrimage route across Spain she walked this spring.
