Alumni Essay
The view from a CTA bus driver’s seat took in the range of human experience—including the most heartbreaking.
When Mark Bruce Rosin, AB’68, visited mental hospital patients as a College student, it opened the doorway to his 2018 screenplay.
The primary preoccupations of an unlikely political wife.
Yoga and meditation lend a new perspective to a judge's work.
Bailey Pickens, AB’10, learns to cultivate compassion as a young hospital chaplain by recognizing both the sin and the sinner.
Collector and self-proclaimed “Twainiac” Ivan Kane, AB’78, JD’81, remembers Mark Twain’s friendship with University of Chicago professor Elizabeth Wallace.
Max Grinnell, AB’98, AM’02, learns the mysterious ways of the “L.”
Ed Navakas, AB’68, PhD’72, remembers love in the time of finals.
Grieving father Stéphane Gerson, AM’92, PhD’97, seeks comfort in historical writings and family stories.
A walk through campus sparks memories of Wayne Booth, AM’47, PhD’50.